Author - John Pinkerton
Notice Sur La Rareté Des Médailles Antiques: Leur Valeur Et Leur Prix Calculés (French Edition)
EAN 9781148607658 21.99 USD -
Petralogy. a Treatise On Rocks; Volume 2
EAN 9781376575170 33.98 USD -
The Literary Correspondence of John Pinkerton, Esq
EAN 9780530367873 35.03 USD -
Early Australian Voyages. Pelsart, Tasman, Dampier
EAN 9780526933273 28.38 USD -
Scotish Poems, Reprinted from Scarce Editions. with Three Pieces Before Unpublished Volume 3
EAN 9781314369724 24.70 USD -
Scottish tragic ballads
EAN 9783742828859 34.33 USD -
An Inquiry Into the History of Scotland Preceding the Reign of Malcolm Iii. Or the Year 1056, Including the Authentic History of That Period. Volume 1
EAN 9785519152044 17.91 USD -
Scotish poems, reprinted from scarce editions. Volume 1-3
EAN 9785519151085 15.95 USD -
A General Collection of the Best and Most Interesting Voyages and Travels in All Parts of the World, Volume 15
EAN 9785877465930 17.97 USD -
The Literary Correspondence of John Pinkerton, Pr. from the Originals in the Possession of D. Turner, Volume 1
EAN 9785877467132 14.41 USD -
Scotish Poems Reprinted from Scarce Edi
EAN 9785876873040 12.74 USD -
The literary correspondence of John Pinkerton, pr. from the originals in the possession of D. Turner. 1
EAN 9785873717811 9.83 USD -
The literary correspondence of John Pinkerton, pr. from the originals in the possession of D. Turner. 2
EAN 9785873717903 10.39 USD -
A general collection of the best and most interesting voyages and travels in all parts of the world; many of which are now first translated into English. Digested on a new plan. 4
EAN 9785880865307 11.99 USD