Author - Augustine Birrell
Essays about men, women and books
EAN 9785874893866 10.12 USD -
Seven Lectures On the Law and History of Copyright in Books
EAN 9780343700904 30.13 USD -
Men, Women, and Books
EAN 9781313350587 25.40 USD -
William Hazlitt
EAN 9781406776355 43.60 USD -
In the Name of the Bodleian, and Other Essays
EAN 9780526961139 29.60 USD -
Essays and Addresses
EAN 9780526938322 29.95 USD -
The Collected Essays . Addresses of the Rt. Hon. Augustine Birrell, 1880-1920
EAN 9780526917648 33.45 USD -
Andrew Marvell
EAN 9780469591615 29.08 USD -
Res Judicatae. Papers and Essays
EAN 9780469701656 33.10 USD -
The Duties and Liabilities of Trustees
EAN 9780469818408 28.38 USD -
Andrew Marvell
EAN 9780469792043 29.08 USD -
Res Judicatae. Papers and Essays
EAN 9780526776207 33.10 USD -
Obiter Dicta. First and Second Series, Complete
EAN 9780530237886 32.75 USD -
Concerning Solicitors
EAN 9780530732978 28.90 USD