Author - Archibald Hurd
The command of the sea: some problems of imperial defence considered in the light of the German Navy Act, 1912
EAN 9785876444875 10.27 USD -
From Heligoland to Keeling Island; one hundred days of naval war
EAN 9785875147036 11.82 USD -
Sons of Admiralty A Short History of The Naval War, 1914-1918
EAN 9780526786510 32.93 USD -
The Merchant Navy
EAN 9780530701028 38.18 USD -
The British Fleet In The Great War
EAN 9780530583617 30.30 USD -
A Merchant Fleet at War
EAN 9780530758749 30.13 USD -
The New Empire Partnership
EAN 9780530678252 32.75 USD -
The Sea Traders
EAN 9781010090236 29.43 USD -
German Sea-power, its Rise, Progress, and Economic Basis
EAN 9780353034334 34.85 USD -
German Sea-power, its Rise, Progress, and Economic Basis
EAN 9781376083255 43.08 USD -
The German Fleet: Being the Companion Volume to "The Fleets at War" and .
EAN 9785880304912 7.89 USD -
Britain prepared, from a kinematograph revue of the activities of His Majesty's naval and military forces;
EAN 9785876444622 8.89 USD -
The Sea Traders
EAN 9781443782845 11.03 USD -
The Command Of The Sea
EAN 9781443771221 8.78 USD