Author - Campbell Morfit
The Arts Of Tanning, Currying, And Leather-Dressing
EAN 9781443761932 43.87 USD -
The Preliminary Treatment of Skins - A Historical Article on Leather Production
EAN 9781447425083 32.23 USD -
Syllabus of a Complete Course of Lectures On Chemistry: Including Its Application to the Arts, Agriculture, and Mining. Prepared for the Use of the . India Company's Military Seminary, Addiscombe
EAN 9785878076500 10.01 USD -
Experiments On Mr. Babbage'S Method of Distinguishing Light-Houses: Reported to a Committee of the United States Light-House Board
EAN 9785874437176 10.70 USD -
Chemical and pharmaceutical manipulations
EAN 9785879927764 11.79 USD -
Chemical and Pharmaceutical Manipulations
EAN 9785879224740 14.87 USD -
Chemical and Pharmaceutic Manipulations: A Manual of the Mechanical and Chemico-mechanical .
EAN 9785879812046 9.80 USD -
Manures, their composition, preparation, and action upon soils
EAN 9785881428372 7.99 USD -
Manures, their composition, preparation, and action upon soils; with the quantities to be applied. Being a field companion for the farmer. From the French of standard authorities
EAN 9785873716005 7.07 USD -
Chemical and pharmaceutical manipulations:
EAN 9785883495075 13.95 USD -
Chemistry Applied to the Manufacture of Soap and Candles: A Thorough Exposition of the Principles and Practice of the Trade, in All Their Minutiae, . in Science and Improvements in Art
EAN 9785879224726 13.30 USD -
Chemical and Pharmaceutic Manipulations: A Manual of the Mechanical and Chemico-Mechanical Operations of the Laboratory . for the Use of Chemists, Druggists, Teachers and Students
EAN 9785877238541 12.33 USD -
A Treatise on Chemistry Applied to the
EAN 9785879224672 14.58 USD -
Perfumery: Its Manufacture and Use .
EAN 9785879224764 13.45 USD