Author - William Ware
Julian, or, Scenes in Judea. v.2
EAN 9785880934324 8.12 USD -
Sketches of European Capitals
EAN 9780526075843 32.75 USD -
Aurelian; or, Rome in the Third Century. Being Letters of Lucius M. Piso .pseud.. From Rome, to Faus
EAN 9780530442372 38.18 USD -
Julian, or, Scenes in Judea
EAN 9780530635125 34.15 USD -
Rome and the Early Christians. Being Letters Of Lucius M. Piso From Rome to Fausta, the Daughter Of
EAN 9780530496771 34.68 USD -
American Unitarian Biography. Memoirs of Individuals who Have Been Distinguished by Their Writings,
EAN 9780526912810 34.85 USD -
Zenobia Or, the Fall of Palmyra
EAN 9783842466548 50.60 USD -
Aurelian Or, Rome in the Third Century
EAN 9783847234807 50.95 USD -
Aurelian: Rome in the Third Century
EAN 9781434467089 22.98 USD -
Zenobia or the Fall of Palmyra
EAN 9781434416407 14.56 USD -
Julian: or, Scenes in Judea, by the author of Letters from Palmyra and Rome. (Standard Amer. lit.).
EAN 9785873842865 7.82 USD -
Zenobia: Or, The Fall of Palmyra. An Historical Romance. In Letters of Lucius M. Piso from . 2
EAN 9785880030194 8.17 USD -
Aurelian: Or Rome in the Third Century; in Letters of Lucius M. Piso i.e. W. Ware from Rome .
EAN 9785879767018 8.10 USD -
Probus: Or, Rome in the Third Century. In Letters of Lucius M. Piso pseud. from Rome to Fausta . 1
EAN 9785880038251 8.07 USD