Author - Henry Moore
The life of Mrs. Mary Fletcher, consort and relict of the Rev. John fletcher, vicar of Madely, Salop. Comp. from her journal and other authentic documents
EAN 9785883228932 11.79 USD -
Poems, lyrical, and miscellaneous
EAN 9785873418534 7.94 USD -
Instructions for preparing abstracts of titles: after the most improved system of eminent conveyances : to which is added a collection of precedents, . deeds, but also of connecting them together
EAN 9785877119659 10.21 USD -
A handbook of practical forms: containing a variety of useful and select precedents required in solicitors' offices relating to conveyancing and . with numerous variations and suggestions
EAN 9785877393059 15.39 USD -
Charges, Speeches, Etc., by H. Moore, Ed. by His Widow
EAN 9785877225374 12.15 USD -
Sermons on several occasions, by H. Moore. With a memoir of his life
EAN 9785873723287 9.75 USD -
Practical Forms of Agreements Relating to Sales and Purchases, Enfranchisements and Exchanges, Mortgages and Loans, Leases, Letting, and Renting, . and Numerous Other Subjects: With a Var
EAN 9785877224698 12.37 USD -
The Life of Mrs. Mary Fletcher, Consort and Relict of the Rev. John Fletcher, Vicar of Madely, Salop: Comp. from Her Journal and Other Authentic Documents
EAN 9785877222915 12.28 USD -
The Life of the Rev. John Wesley, A.M., Fellow of Lincoln College, Oxford;. 2
EAN 9785879889390 8.84 USD -
The Life of the Rev. John Wesley, A.M.: Fellow of Lincoln College, Oxford . 1
EAN 9785884285798 12.78 USD -
The Life of the Rev. John Wesley, A.M.: Fellow of Lincoln College, Oxford . 2
EAN 9785884284296 12.81 USD -
Instructions for Preparing Abstracts of Titles
EAN 9785879571929 11.05 USD -
Instructions for preparing abstracts of titles : after the most improved system of eminent conveyances : to which is added a collection of precedents, shewing the method, not only of abstracting every species of deeds, but also of connecting them together
EAN 9785879636253 9.93 USD