Author - William Walker
An Epitome of Astronomy,: With the New Discoveries: Including an Account of the Eidouranion, Or Transparent Orrery; (Invented by A. Walker) As Lectured Upon by His Son, W. Walker
EAN 9785879413847 8.07 USD -
Memoirs of the Distinguished Men of Science of Great Britain. Living in the Years 1807-8
EAN 9780526225736 29.25 USD -
Memoirs Of The Distinguished Man Of Science
EAN 9781010086079 29.25 USD -
Peter Buchan, and Other Papers on Scottish and English Ballads and Songs
EAN 9780530882581 33.28 USD -
Three Churchmen, Sketches . Reminiscences
EAN 9780469200470 29.95 USD -
Memoirs of the Distinguished Men of Science of Great Britain Living in the Years 1807-8
EAN 9780469775640 29.25 USD -
The Life and Times of John Skinner
EAN 9780469022980 32.58 USD -
Life of Right Reverend George Gleig Bishop of Brechin
EAN 9780469440234 29.60 USD -
Memoirs of the Distinguished Men of Science of Great Britain Living in the Years 1807-1808
EAN 9780469631113 29.25 USD -
The War in Nicaragua
EAN 9780341832201 30.48 USD -
Memoirs of the Distinguished Men of Science of Great Britain: Living in the Years 1807-8
EAN 9785874324490 11.91 USD -
An epitome of astronomy: with the new discovered planets, and the late comet, as illustrated by .
EAN 9785873394289 6.40 USD -
Memoirs of the Distinguished Men of Sci
EAN 9785879414929 7.86 USD -
The magnetism of ships, and the mariner's compass: Being a Rudimentary Exposition of the Induced .
EAN 9785880572205 7.10 USD