Author - James Wilson
The dialect of the New Forest in Hampshire (as spoken in the village of Burley)
EAN 9785878835701 8.05 USD -
The History of Egypt from the Earliest
EAN 9785878841498 12.33 USD -
Commentaries On the Constitution of the United States of America. With That Constitution Prefixed, in Which Are Unfolded, the Principles of Free Government, and the Superior Advantages of Republicanism Demonstrated
EAN 9780343728458 25.93 USD -
Capital, Currency, and Banking. Being a Collection of a Series of Articles Published in the "Economist" in 1845, On the Principles of the Bank Act of 1844, and in 1847, On the Recent Monetarial and Commercial Crisis; Concluding With a Plan for a S...
EAN 9781376535280 29.60 USD -
Lectures On the Structure and Physiology of the Parts Composing the Skeleton. And On the Diseases of the Bones and Joints of the Human Body, Preceded by Some Observations On the Influence of the Brain and Nerves, Delivered Before the Royal College...
EAN 9781376423730 30.48 USD -
Hawick and its Old Memories
EAN 9780469009417 29.60 USD -
Annals of Hawick, A.D. M.CC.XIV.-A.D. M.DCCC.XIV With an Appendix of Illustrative Documents
EAN 9780469340237 34.85 USD -
Biography of the Blind
EAN 9780469605114 33.98 USD -
Historical and Descriptive Account of British India, From the Most Remote Period to the Present Time
EAN 9780526845163 32.75 USD -
An Introduction to the Natural History of Fishes
EAN 9780526870639 22.95 USD -
Fluctuations of Currency, Commerce, and Manufactures. Referable to the Corn Laws
EAN 9780530164403 29.08 USD -
Capital, Currency and Banking
EAN 9781010116905 32.93 USD -
Influences of the Corn Laws, as Affecting A
EAN 9780530945392 28.90 USD -
Hawick and Its Old Memories. Containing Biographical Sketches, and Other Illustrative Documents
EAN 9780469556591 29.60 USD