Author - George Bull
The Works of George Bull D. D. Lord Bis
EAN 9785873611096 8.91 USD -
Harmonia Apostolica, Or, the Mutual Agreement of St. Paul and St. James, Tr. by T. Wilkinson
EAN 9785875120398 12.99 USD -
The Works of George Bull, Collected and Revised by E. Burton. 7 Vols. In 8. 6 Vols. In 8.
EAN 9785875120619 13.02 USD -
Examen Censurae: Or, an Answer to Certain Strictures On a Book Entitled: Harmonia Apostolica
EAN 9785875120701 14.23 USD -
Bishop Bulls Works on the Trinity Volum
EAN 9785874255947 11.34 USD -
The Works of George Bull, Collected and Revised by E. Burton. 7 Vols. In 8.
EAN 9785875120411 15.21 USD -
Defensio Fidei Nicaenae - A Defence Of The Nicene Creed - Out Of The Extant Writings Of The Catholick Doctors, Who Flourishsed During The Three First Centuries Of The Christian Church - Vol II
EAN 9781408601679 40.98 USD -
The Works of George Bull D. D. Lord Bis
EAN 9785873611195 9.71 USD -
The judgement of the Catholic Church on the necessity of believing that our Lord Jesus Christ is very God ; The primitive and apostolic tradition of . ; and, Brief animadversions on a treatise
EAN 9785874165383 12.11 USD -
Georgii Bulli, S. Theologiae Professoris. Opera Omnia, Quibus Duo Praecipui Catholicae Fidei Articuli, De S. Trinitate & Justificatione: Orthodoxe, . Nunc Demum In Unum Volumen Collecta, Ac Mul
EAN 9785873939497 15.34 USD -
Defensio fidei Nicaenae = a defence of the Nicene Creed: out of the extant writings of the Catholick doctors, who flourishsed during the three first centuries of the Christian Church
EAN 9785875117411 13.22 USD -
The Works of George Bull: D. D., Lord Bishop of St. David's. 5, pt. 1
EAN 9785873613809 10.45 USD -
A Vindication of the Church of England, from the Errors and Corruptions of the Church of Rome, in Answer to the Catholick Scripturists By J. Mumford Publ. by R. Bull
EAN 9785875121029 10.26 USD -
Examen censurae : an answer to certain strictures before unpublished on a book entitled Harmonia apostolica, &c.
EAN 9785883275608 11.75 USD