Author - Charles Worthy
Devonshire Parishes. Or the Antiquities, Heraldry and Family History of Twenty-eight Parishes in the Archdeaconry of Totnes; Volume 1
EAN 9780353223745 33.45 USD -
Devonshire Parishes; or, The Antiquities, Heraldry and Family History of Twenty-four Parishes in the Archdeaconry of Totnes. 1
EAN 9781376979688 29.95 USD -
Devonshire Wills - A Collection of Annotated Testamentary Abstracts
EAN 9781444639797 45.18 USD -
The History of the Suburbs of Exeter. With General Particulars
EAN 9780469462816 29.60 USD -
Devonshire Parishes; or, The Antiquities, Heraldry and Family History of Twenty-four Parishes in the Archdeaconry of Totnes. 2
EAN 9781378943830 31.35 USD -
Devonshire Parishes. Or the Antiquities, Heraldry and Family History of Twenty-eight Parishes in the Archdeaconry of Totnes; Volume 1
EAN 9781376151237 40.10 USD -
Devonshire parishes; or, The antiquities, heraldry and family history of twenty-four parishes in the archdeaconry of Totnes. 2
EAN 9785880867493 9.57 USD -
Devonshire parishes; or, The antiquities, heraldry and family history of twenty-four parishes in the archdeaconry of Totnes. 1
EAN 9785880867509 9.01 USD -
Devonshire parishes : or the antiquities, heraldry and family history of twenty-eight parishes in the archdeaconry of Totnes. 1
EAN 9785883679079 10.95 USD -
Practical Heraldry: Or, an Epitome of English Armory, Showing how and by Whom Arms May be Borne Or A
EAN 9785873888450 10.23 USD -
Devonshire Wills: A Collection Of Annotated Testamentary Abstracts, Together With The Family History And Genealogy Of Many Of The Most Ancient Gentle Houses Of The West Of England
EAN 9781408680261 43.75 USD -
Ashburton and its neighbourhood, or the antiquities and history of the borough of Ashburton in the county of Devon, and of the parishes of . description of their respective churche
EAN 9785878644778 9.99 USD -
Practical heraldry: or, an epitome of English armory, showing how and by whom arms may be borne or acquired, how pedigrees may be traced or family histories ascertained
EAN 9785873990900 10.17 USD -
Devonshire wills: a collection of annotated testamentary abstracts, together with the family history and genealogy of many of the most ancient gentle houses of the west of England
EAN 9785878644723 13.23 USD