Author - James Huneker
Old Fogy. His Musical Opinions and Grotesques
EAN 9780469558557 28.38 USD -
Painted Veils
EAN 9780469332058 29.95 USD -
Chopin. The Man and His Music
EAN 9780469288010 34.68 USD -
Chopin. The Man and His Music
EAN 9780469156753 34.68 USD -
New Cosmopolis; a Book of Images. Intimate New York. Certain European Cities Before the War
EAN 9780530534381 34.15 USD -
Letters of James Gibbons Huneker, Collected and Edited by Josephine Huneker
EAN 9780530531304 32.58 USD -
Letters of James Gibbons Huneker
EAN 9780530484617 32.58 USD -
Promenades of an Impressionist
EAN 9780530304540 33.28 USD -
Mezzotints in Modern Music Brahms Tschaikowsky Chopin Richard Strauss Liszt and Wagner
EAN 9780530759203 32.93 USD -
EAN 9780530795669 30.13 USD -
Chopin. The Man and His Music
EAN 9780530959689 34.68 USD -
EAN 9781010109082 30.13 USD -
EAN 9780530097848 32.40 USD -
Chopin. The Man and His Music
EAN 9781596057470 20.33 USD