Author - John Townsend Trowbridge
Neighbor Jackwood (Civil War)
EAN 9781429015134 30.44 USD -
The Lost Earl
EAN 9785878330442 9.75 USD -
The Adventures of David Vane and David Crane
EAN 9781376591071 27.68 USD -
The Vagabonds and Other Poems
EAN 9780353927230 28.55 USD -
Biding His Time or Andrew Hapnell.s Fortune
EAN 9780526141272 29.78 USD -
Hearts and Faces. Home-life Unveiled
EAN 9780526844586 30.13 USD -
The Poetical Works of John Townsend Trowbridge
EAN 9780530679938 33.63 USD -
A Start in Life. A Story of the Genesee Country
EAN 9780530618999 28.73 USD -
A Home Idyl and Other Poems
EAN 9780530696553 28.73 USD -
Neighbor.s Wives
EAN 9780530877914 33.10 USD -
A Chance for Himself or Jack Hazard and His Treasure
EAN 9780526130641 30.30 USD -
Lawrence.s Adventures
EAN 9780469062450 30.83 USD -
The Young Surveyor; Or, Jack on the Prairies (Illustrated Edition) (Dodo Press)
EAN 9781409992172 18.69 USD -
The Drummer Boy (Dodo Press)
EAN 9781406539387 11.36 USD