Author - John George Bourinot
The Intellectual Development of the Canadian People (Dodo Press)
EAN 9781409905561 12.45 USD -
Canada Under British Rule, 1760-1900
EAN 9781149100547 21.86 USD -
How Canada Is Governed: A Short Account of Its Executive, Legislative, Judicial and Municipal Institutions, with an Historical Outline of Their Origin and Development; with Numerous Illustrations
EAN 9785875007064 13.25 USD -
A manual of the constitutional history of Canada from the earliest period to the year 1888, including the British North America Act, 1867, and a ... on questions of legislative jurisdiction
EAN 9781173187101 19.01 USD -
A Canadian manual on the procedure at meetings of municipal councils, shareholders and directors of companies, synods, conventions, societies and public bodies generally microform : with an introductory review of the rules and usages of Parliament that
EAN 9785873763054 9.71 USD -
A Canadian Manual on the Procedure at Meetings of Municipal Councils, Shareholders and Directors of Companies, Synods, Conventions, Societies and Public Bodies Generally, With an Introductory Review of the Rules and Usages of Parliament That Gover...
EAN 9781375934671 43.43 USD -
A Manual of the Constitutional History of Canada From the Earliest Period to 1901. Including the British North America Act of 1867, a Digest of Judicial Decisions On Important Questions of Legislative Jurisdiction, and Observations On the Working ...
EAN 9781377561691 28.20 USD -
Our Intellectual Strength and Weakness. A Short Historical and Critical
EAN 9780353919396 28.03 USD -
Parliamentary Procedure and Practice
EAN 9780530059501 45.00 USD -
A Manual of the Constitutional History of Canada
EAN 9780530457079 30.65 USD -
A Manual of the Constitutional History of Canada From the Earliest Period to the Year 1888
EAN 9780469028029 29.25 USD -
Local Government in Canada
EAN 9783337188948 25.40 USD -
Lettre d.un Habitant de Louisbourg. Contenant une Relation Exacte Et Circonstanciee de la Prise de l.Isle-Royale, par les Anglais (Classic Reprint)
EAN 9780366905393 18.58 USD -
Historical and descriptive account of the Island of Cape Breton
EAN 9785518921825 35.72 USD