Author - Henry Sweet
The Practical Study of Languages. A Guide for Teachers and Learners: With Tables and Illustrative Qu
EAN 9780469512030 29.95 USD -
A History of English Sounds From the Earliest Period, Including an Investigation of the General Laws
EAN 9780526097647 28.73 USD -
A Primer of Phonetics
EAN 9780530448459 27.85 USD -
The Oldest English Texts
EAN 9780530446936 40.45 USD -
Elements of Rhetoric; Comprising an Analysis of the Laws of Moral Evidence and of Persuasion, With R
EAN 9780530108537 34.85 USD -
Extracts From Alfred.s Orosius. Edited by Henry Sweet
EAN 9780530431826 22.78 USD -
Shelley.s Nature-poetry
EAN 9780530727912 22.60 USD -
Second Middle English Primer. Extracts From Chaucer
EAN 9780469022966 27.85 USD -
A Primer Of Phonetics
EAN 9780526356782 27.85 USD -
A Second Anglo-Saxon Reader; Archaic and Dialectal
EAN 9781290415309 25.23 USD -
A Primer of Spoken English
EAN 9780353954700 28.20 USD -
A Primer Of Historical English Grammar
EAN 9780353326347 27.68 USD -
A Primer of Spoken English
EAN 9780270590173 26.80 USD -
The History of Language
EAN 9780341740667 26.80 USD