Author - Heinrich Ries
Diplomatische Aktenstucke Uber Die Handelsvertrags-Verhandlungen Mit Serbien: 1905-1906 (German Edition)
EAN 9785874660093 9.59 USD -
Foundry Sands
EAN 9785884068025 8.65 USD -
The Clays of Wisconsin and Their Uses
EAN 9785877733312 11.20 USD -
Building stones and clay-products; a handbook for architects
EAN 9785877730328 12.20 USD -
Clay Deposits and Clay Industry in North Carolina: A Preliminary Report
EAN 9785877732377 9.90 USD -
Kentucky Geological Survey
EAN 9785877732704 10.21 USD -
Elements of Engineering Geology
EAN 9785877732124 10.95 USD -
The Clay Deposits of the Virginia Coastal Plain
EAN 9785877733725 10.04 USD -
Clays, their occurence, properties, and uses
EAN 9785881474607 10.50 USD -
Bulletin, Issues 20-21
EAN 9785877731608 12.08 USD -
Clays: their occurrence, properties, and uses, with especial reference to .
EAN 9785882983818 12.59 USD -
History of the clay-working industry in the United States
EAN 9785876806567 11.00 USD