Author - John Murray
Mr. Murray.s List of New and Recent Publications July, 1890
EAN 9783842473959 27.33 USD -
The knapsack guide to Norway
EAN 9783741177705 42.20 USD -
Memorials of John Murray of Broughton. Sometime Secretary to Prince Charles Edward, 1740-1747
EAN 9780341961659 34.68 USD -
Records of the Life of the Rev. John Murray
EAN 9781147063646 17.89 USD -
A Handbook For Travellers In India, Burma And Ceylon. Including The Provinces Of Bengal, Bombay, And Madras, The Punjab, North-west Provinces, Rajputana, Central Provinces, Mysore, Etc., The Native States Assam And Cashmere
EAN 9780353202900 40.63 USD -
Records Of The Life Of The Rev. John Murray
EAN 9780353570108 32.40 USD -
Handbook for Travellers in Northern Italy. Embracing the Continental States of Sardinia, Lombardy and Venice, Parma and Piacenza, Modena, Lucca, and Tuscany As Far As the Val D.arno
EAN 9780341983378 33.98 USD -
The Imperial Guide to India, Including Kashmir, Burma and Ceylon, With Illustrations, Maps and Plans
EAN 9780341879909 30.65 USD -
A Handbook for Travellers in Turkey. Describing Constantinople, European Turkey, Asia Minor, Armenia, and Mesopotamia
EAN 9780341914334 30.83 USD -
A Handbook for Travellers in Japan. Including the Whole Empire From Yezo to Formosa
EAN 9780341957355 36.78 USD -
A Handbook for Travellers in the Islands of Corsica and Sardinia
EAN 9780341936435 27.33 USD -
A Handbook for Travellers in Switzerland, the Alps of Savoy and Piedmont, the Italian Lakes, and Part of Dauphine
EAN 9780341835165 30.83 USD -
A Hand-Book for Travellers in Devon . Cornwall
EAN 9780341890942 30.48 USD -
The Imperial Guide to India, Including Kashmir, Burma and Ceylon, With Illustrations, Maps and Plans
EAN 9780341816713 30.65 USD