Author - Patrick Augustine Sheehan
The Literary Life Essays Poems
EAN 9785878005104 10.27 USD -
The graves at Kilmorna
EAN 9785878005395 11.31 USD -
Lost Angel of a Ruined Paradise: A Drama of Modern Life
EAN 9785878010108 9.88 USD -
Geoffrey Austin, student
EAN 9785878004145 10.04 USD -
The blindness of Dr. Gray; or, The final law
EAN 9785878002981 13.08 USD -
Glenanaar a Story of Irish Life
EAN 9785878001922 11.12 USD -
Mariae Corona ; chapters on the Mother of God and her saints
EAN 9785878004022 9.99 USD -
The Literary Life And Other Essays (1921)
EAN 9780548665114 22.43 USD -
Cithara mea; poems
EAN 9785878005920 10.19 USD -
"Cedar chips" :
EAN 9785883696083 9.76 USD -
The intellectuals; an experiment in Irish club-life
EAN 9785878002684 12.04 USD -
The queen's fillet
EAN 9785883694614 10.93 USD -
The literary life and other essays
EAN 9785883695604 9.73 USD -
Selections from "Parerga" as found in "Cedar chips";
EAN 9785883798107 8.65 USD