Author - Clinton Scollard
EAN 9785877951167 9.97 USD -
Ballads, patriotic & romantic
EAN 9785881400446 9.67 USD -
Count Falcon of the Eyrie: A Narrative Wherein Are Set Forth the Adventures of Guido Orrabelli Dei Falchi During a Certain Autumn of His Career
EAN 9785877951396 10.23 USD -
Old and New World Lyrics
EAN 9785877953482 9.88 USD -
Ballads of valor and victory; being stories in song from the annuals of America
EAN 9785877709041 9.77 USD -
Easter-son; lyrics and ballads of the joy of springtime
EAN 9785881399313 8.65 USD -
Elegy in Autumn: In Memory of Frank Dempster Sherman
EAN 9785880282555 6.35 USD -
Chords of the Zither
EAN 9785877950634 8.07 USD -
Elegy in Autumn in Memory of Frank Demp
EAN 9785875416712 7.98 USD -
The vale of shadows, and other verses of the great war
EAN 9785873422432 6.39 USD -
Blank Verse Pastels
EAN 9785877951273 8.80 USD -
A knight of the highway
EAN 9785877946484 8.05 USD -
Pro Patria: Verses Chiefly Patriotic
EAN 9785877959002 8.78 USD -
A boy's book of rhyme
EAN 9785877947030 7.03 USD