Author - Swift Jonathan
The History of the Four Last Years of T
EAN 9785878199209 12.06 USD -
A tale of a tub, and other satires
EAN 9785878198035 11.20 USD -
The Works Volume 19
EAN 9785878199797 10.32 USD -
The Intelligencer
EAN 9785878007900 10.23 USD -
A Voyage to Lilliput by Lemuel Gulliver: With a Sketch of the Life of Swift
EAN 9785878200219 9.04 USD -
Gulliver's Voyage to Lilliput, with a Fr. Tr. by F.W. Pirscher
EAN 9785878200998 8.80 USD -
The Works, Volume 3
EAN 9781141918652 21.02 USD -
The Works of the Rev. Jonathan Swift. 17
EAN 9785881185121 8.73 USD -
K?leyne menshelekh
EAN 9785881020705 7.05 USD -
A Tale of a Tub and the Battle of the B
EAN 9785878200455 11.62 USD -
Letters; Written by Jonathan Swift, D.D. Dean of St. Patrick's, Dublin, and Several of His Friends: From the Year 1703 to 1740
EAN 9785878199285 11.20 USD -
The Works of Sir William Temple Bart Co
EAN 9785878199377 13.19 USD -
The Works of Jonathan Swift: Containing Additional Letters, Tracts, and Poems Not Hitherto Published; with Notes and a Life of the Author, Volume 19
EAN 9785877950047 13.40 USD -
The Works of Jonathan Swift Miscellaneo
EAN 9785877957398 13.30 USD