Author - Паули В.К.
Safety regulations for Productivity. teplomeh. Electronic equipment. and heat. networks. RD 34.03.201-97 (eds. with ext. and betrayals. on Comp. on 3/4/1910 i) / Pravila tekhniki bezopasnosti pri expluat. teplomekh. oborudovaniya elektr. i tepl. setey. RD 34.03.201-97 (izd. s dop. i izmen. po sost. na 03.04.10 g)
EAN 9785985400236 6.27 USD -
Pravila tehniki bezopasnosti pri ekspluatatsii teplomehanicheskogo oborudovaniya elektrostantsiy i teplovyh setey
EAN 9785931967462 2.51 USD