Author - Вагин О.А.
Criminal law in Russia. Parts of general and special. Ouch. -M. Prospect, 2011. Extras. EMA 141583. / Ugolovnoe pravo Rossii.Chasti obshchaya i osobennaya.Uch.-M. Prospekt,2011.Dop. UMO / 141583/.
EAN 9785392018734 5.08 USD -
Commentary to Federal Law on Operative Investigation Activity Datek Online In Ed on April 29 2008 58 FZ Kommentariy k Federalnomu zakonu Ob operativno rozysknoy deyatelnosti Postateynyy V red ot 29 aprelya 2008 g 58 FZ
EAN 9785915500272 7.63 USD