Author - Абдикеев Н.М.
Internet-based technologies in the knowledge economy Textbook - (textbooks for the program MBA ") (neck) / Internet-tekhnologii v ekonomike znaniy Uchebnik - ("Uchebniki dlya programmy MBA") (GRIF)
EAN 9785160038131 5.25 USD -
Upravlenie znaniyami korporatsii i reinzhiniring biznesa: Uchebnik
EAN 9785160105628 11.97 USD -
Kognitivnaya biznes-analitika
EAN 9785160042473 12.22 USD -
Knowledge Management Corporation and the reengineering of business Tutorial - (Higher Education) (GRIF) / Upravlenie znaniyami korporatsii i reinzhiniring biznesa Uchebnik - ("Vysshee obrazovanie") (GRIF)
EAN 9785160038292 9.55 USD -
Knowledge Management Corporation reengineering business Tutorial Textbooks for program MBA GRIF Upravlenie znaniyami korporatsii i reinzhiniring biznesa Uchebnik Uchebniki dlya programmy MBA GRIF
EAN 9785160043005 8.65 USD -
Corporate Information Systems Management Textbook textbooks for program MBA Korporativnye informatsionnye sistemy upravleniya Uchebnik Uchebniki dlya programmy MBA
EAN 9785160043739 7.65 USD -
Cognitive Business Intelligence Textbook - ("textbooks for the program MBA") (neck) / Kognitivnaya biznes-analitika Uchebnik - ("Uchebniki dlya programmy MBA") (GRIF)
EAN 9785160043173 9.52 USD -
Information Management Textbook textbooks for program MBA Informatsionnyy menedzhment Uchebnik Uchebniki dlya programmy MBA
EAN 9785160038148 11.28 USD -
Information Management Textbook - (Higher Education) / Informatsionnyy menedzhment Uchebnik - ("Vysshee obrazovanie")
EAN 9785160037011 5.66 USD -
Information Management - ("scientific thought") / Informatsionnyy menedzhment - ("Nauchnaya mysl")
EAN 9785160039404 5.38 USD -
Internet-based technologies in the knowledge economy Textbook - (Higher Education) (neck) / Internet-tekhnologii v ekonomike znaniy Uchebnik - ("Vysshee obrazovanie") (GRIF)
EAN 9785160037677 5.99 USD