Author - Жуков В.И.
Russia in Global Mire.nauchnoe Edition. 2 nd edition revised and Dopolnennnoe. The 3-HTT. / ROSSIYa V GLOBALNOM MIRE.NAUChNOE IZDANIE. 2-E IZDANIE PERERABOTANNOE I DOPOLNENNNOE. V 3-KhTT.
EAN 9785713904951 16.96 USD -
Experience and problems of living arrangements of orphans and children left without guardianship, under modern conditions. / Opyt i problemy zhizneustroystva detey - sirot i detey, ostavshikhsya bez popechitelstva, v sovremennykh usloviyakh.
EAN 9785713906467 8.13 USD -
Социальная история России (CD)
EAN 9785406008324 9.37 USD