Author - Максимова Т.И.
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The latest anthology of literature. Grade 3. 3rd ed., Ispra. and added. / Noveyshaya khrestomatiya po literature. 3 klass. 3-e izd., ispr. i dop.
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Ultimate Anthology Literature Grade 7 Noveyshaya khrestomatiya po literature 7 klass
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Ultimate Anthology Literature Grade 9 2 ed Ispra added Noveyshaya khrestomatiya po literature 9 klass 2 e izd ispr i dop1 0
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Noveishii polnyi spravochnik shkolnika: 5-11 klassy. Gumanitarnye nauki. (in Russian)
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Ultimate Anthology Literature Grade 6 2 nd ed Ispra added Noveyshaya khrestomatiya po literature 6 klass 2 e izd ispr i dop
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Noveishaia khrestomatiia po literature 10 klass
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The Ultimate Anthology of Literature Grade 8. 2 ed. Ispra. and added. / Noveyshaya khrestomatiya po literature 8 klass. 2-e izd., ispr. i dop.
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