Author - Edward Alfred Pollard
The lost cause : a new southern history of the war of the Confederates : comprising a full and authentic account of the rise and progress of the late southern Confederacy--the campaigns, battles, incidents, and adventures of the most gigantic struggle of
EAN 9785873297603 12.07 USD -
The Lost Cause. A new Southern History Of the war Of the Confederates : Comprising A Full and Authentic Account Of the Rise and Progress Of the Late Southern Confederacy--the Campaigns, Battles, Incidents, and Adventures Of the Most Gigantic Strug...
EAN 9781376795578 37.65 USD -
Observations in the North. Eight Months in Prison and on Parole
EAN 9781290299602 37.13 USD -
Echoes From the South
EAN 9780353908130 29.78 USD -
The Lost Cause Regained
EAN 9780469771338 29.78 USD -
Black Diamonds Gathered in the Darkey Homes of the South
EAN 9780530208039 29.08 USD -
Southern History of the War. The First Year of the War
EAN 9780469153493 33.80 USD -
The Southern Spy
EAN 9783337298142 31.53 USD -
Observations in the North
EAN 9783744762441 26.63 USD -
The Early Life, Campaigns, and Public Services of Robert E. Lee: With a Record of the Campaigns .
EAN 9785873636020 12.37 USD -
Lee and His Lieutenants: Comprising the Early Life, Public Services, and Campaigns of General .
EAN 9785880597123 12.35 USD -
The Early Life,campaigns,and Public Services of R.E.Lee: With a Record of the Campaigns and Heroic Deeds of His Companion in Arms
EAN 9785873992140 15.66 USD -
Echoes from the South. Comprising the most important speeches, proclamations, and public acts emanating from the South during the late war
EAN 9785873297375 7.98 USD -
Life of Jefferson Davis : with a seceret history of the Southern Confederacy, gathered "behind the scenes in Richmond"
EAN 9785881387884 12.65 USD