Author - Church of England
A sermon of the salvation of mankind
EAN 9781172089024 16.41 USD -
A sermon against whoredom and uncleanness
EAN 9781172089482 17.12 USD -
Libellus Precum Ad Usum Cleri Anglicani Idoneus (Latin Edition)
EAN 9781148844534 14.68 USD -
Private Prayers: Put Forth by Authority During the Reign of Queen Elizabeth. The Primer of 1559 .
EAN 9785879833188 11.64 USD -
Conference of Bishops of the Anglican Communion, Holden at Lambeth Palace July 6 to August 5 .
EAN 9785880273751 7.91 USD -
Libro delle preghiere comuni: insieme col Salterio, ossia i Salmi di David
EAN 9785883234742 13.88 USD -
Leabhar Na H'urnuigh Choitchionn, Agus Frithealaidh Nan Sacramaidean: Agus Riaghailtean Agus Deasghnathachadh Eile Na H'eaglais
EAN 9785875755354 15.04 USD -
Libellus precum ad usum cleri Anglicani idoneus
EAN 9785883236821 9.66 USD -
A selection of Psalms, and several hymns on particular occasions; adapted to the service of the .
EAN 9785873602674 7.16 USD -
The Lessons of the United Church of Eng
EAN 9785873696512 8.84 USD -
Conservation and Repair of Bells and Bellframes (Conservation & Mission)
EAN 9780715142509 25.03 USD -
The book of common prayer. and administration of the sacraments, and other rites and cermonies of the church, according to the use of The Church of England, together. Part 2
EAN 9785885335232 21.63 USD -
Prayers for the dead, including the office of the dead in English
EAN 9785883141064 8.67 USD -
The Calendar of the Prayer-Book Illustrated
EAN 9781141428991 20.27 USD