Author - Abraham Lincoln
Abraham Lincoln's pen and voice; being a complete compilation of his letters, civil, politival, and military, also his public addresses, messages to . proclamations upon various public concerns
EAN 9785876873224 12.24 USD -
Political Debates Between Abraham Linco
EAN 9785873511945 9.64 USD -
Lincoln's words on living questions : a collection of all the recorded utterances of Abraham Lincoln bearing upon the questions of today. copy 2
EAN 9785872767817 9.62 USD -
Political debates between Hon. Abraham Lincoln and Hon. Stehen A. Douglas, in the celebrated campaign of 1858, in Illinois; including the preceedings speeches of each, at Chicago, Springfield, etc; also, the two great speeches of Mr. Lincoln in Ohio, in 1
EAN 9785873319473 8.15 USD -
The Lincoln year book : axioms and aphorisms from the great emancipator
EAN 9785873159260 8.78 USD -
The writings of Abraham Lincoln:. 7
EAN 9785873510894 10.38 USD -
The works of Abraham Lincoln . 14
EAN 9785873509744 8.77 USD -
The Life Of Abraham Lincoln: With Extracts From His Speeches
EAN 9785876410436 8.93 USD -
The works of Abraham Lincoln . 2
EAN 9785873509584 8.82 USD -
The works of Abraham Lincoln . 9
EAN 9785873509683 9.01 USD -
Lincoln's Gettysburg Oration and First and Second Inaugural Addresses
EAN 9785876879752 8.05 USD -
Lincolnics; familiar sayings of Abraham Lincoln. 2
EAN 9785873511891 8.01 USD -
The writings of Abraham Lincoln. 1
EAN 9785883514288 10.22 USD -
.Selected writings of Abraham Lincoln
EAN 9785880093960 8.91 USD