Author - Abraham Lincoln
Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, Volume 9
EAN 9781144072986 21.93 USD -
Lincoln's words on living questions : A collection of all the recorded utterances of Abraham Lincoln bearing upon the questions of today ;
EAN 9785879631012 7.86 USD -
The American triumvirate: the constitution of the United States of America, the Declaration of independence, Lincoln's Gettysburg address
EAN 9785875362880 8.05 USD -
An anthology of the epigrams and sayings of Abraham Lincoln, collected from his writings and speeches;
EAN 9785876874191 8.80 USD -
The president's words: a selection of passages from the speeches, addresses, and letters of Abraham Lincoln
EAN 9785876191717 9.92 USD -
Abraham Lincoln; complete works, comprising his speeches, letters, state papers, and miscellaneous writings;
EAN 9785876249425 15.02 USD -
Anecdotes of Abraham Lincoln and Lincoln's stories : including early life stories, professional life stories, White House stories, war stories, miscellaneous stories
EAN 9785881520670 8.05 USD -
Selections from Lincolns Speeches and L
EAN 9785879378634 9.02 USD -
The Lincoln Memorial: Original Life Pictures, with Autographs, from the Hands and Hearts of .
EAN 9785873372775 11.58 USD -
The Lincoln Year Book: Containing Immortal Words of Abraham Lincoln Spoken and Written on .
EAN 9785880230372 9.55 USD -
Words of Lincoln, including several hundred opinions of his life and character by eminent persons of this and other lands;
EAN 9785876873873 10.21 USD -
Lincoln's words on living questions: A collection of all the recorded utterances of Abraham Lincoln bearing upon the questions of today ;
EAN 9785875943157 11.65 USD -
The complete works of Abraham Lincoln : comprising his speeches, letters, state papers and miscellaneous writings excerpts
EAN 9785873155446 7.94 USD -
Yarns and stories by Abraham Lincoln, America's greatest story teller . Volume yr.1901
EAN 9785877073142 12.11 USD