Author - Э. Л. Портнов
Opticheskie kabeli i passivnye komponenty volokonno-opticheskikh linij svyazi (Uchebnoe posobie dlya vuzov)
EAN 9785935172473 5.67 USD -
Guides telecommunications system design, construction and maintenance of Tom (part) 2. A textbook for high schools - 7 th ed. , Pererab. and added. - ("Workbook for higher educational institutions") (GRIF) / Napravlyayushchie sistemy elektrosvyazi Proektirovanie, stroitelstvo i tekhnicheskaya expluatatsiya Tom(chast) 2. Uchebnik dlya vuzov - 7-e izd.,pererab. i dop. - ("Uchebnoe posobie dlya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy") (GRIF)
EAN 9785991201414 8.88 USD -
Electric communication cables and their installation. 2 nd ed., Stereotypes. Portnow EL, Zubilevich AL / Elektricheskie kabeli svyazi i ikh montazh. 2-e izd., stereot. Portnov E.L., Zubilevich A.L.
EAN 9785991201278 5.74 USD -
Guidance systems telecommunications. Problems. 2 nd ed., Sr / Napravlyayushchie sistemy elektrosvyazi. Sbornik zadach. 2-e izd., ster
EAN 9785991201384 3.58 USD -
Guidance systems telecommunications. In 2 v. V. 1. The theory of transmission and influence. 7 th ed., Pererab. and additional / Napravlyayushchie sistemy elektrosvyazi. V 2-kh t. T. 1. Teoriya peredachi i vliyaniya. 7-e izd., pererab. i dop
EAN 9785991200929 6.77 USD -
The principles of primary networks, and optical cable lines / Printsipy postroeniya pervichnykh setey i opticheskie kabelnye linii svyazi
EAN 9785991200714 9.25 USD