Author - Ю. П. Богачев
EAN 9785769528798 9.86 USD -
EAN 9785769530227 9.53 USD
Russian language with the basics of linguistics Workshop. 2 - ed / Russkiy yazyk s osnovami yazykoznaniya Praktikum. 2- e izd
Russian language with the basics of linguistics A Textbook for the studio. Ferrovial. ped. Proc. institutions - 2 ed., sr. - (Higher professional education and pedagogical specialty) / Russkiy yazyk s osnovami yazykoznaniya Uchebnik dlya stud. vyssh. ped. ucheb. zavedeniy - 2-e izd.,ster. - ("Vysshee professionalnoe obrazovanie-Pedagogicheskie spetsialnosti")