Author - John Purdy
Sailing directions for the strait of Gibraltar and the Mediterranean sea
EAN 9785880653614 8.71 USD -
The Colombian Navigator; Or, Sailing Directory for the American Coasts and the West-Indies .
EAN 9785873750771 8.17 USD -
Sailing Directions for the Strait of Gibraltar and the Mediterranean Sea
EAN 9780344268212 29.08 USD -
Sailing Directions for the Strait of Gibraltar and the Mediterranean Sea
EAN 9780342679973 27.33 USD -
Memoir, Descriptive And Explanatory, To Accompany The General Chart Of The Northern Ocean, Davis. Strait And Baffin.s Bay
EAN 9780353620582 28.73 USD -
The New Sailing Directions for the Mediterranean Sea, the Adriatic Sea ... the Archipelago ..c..
EAN 9780341800378 29.78 USD -
The Brasilian Navigator: Or, Sailing Directory for All the Coasts of Brasil, to Accompany Laurie's New General Chart
EAN 9785877591820 12.06 USD -
Tables of the Positions Or of the Latit
EAN 9785877591608 9.86 USD -
Memoir, descriptive and explanatory, to accompany the general chart of the Northern ocean, Davis .
EAN 9785879880434 11.60 USD -
Memoir, Descriptive And Explanatory, To Accompany The General Chart Of The Northern Ocean, Davis" Strait And Baffin"s Bay
EAN 9781248746066 25.93 USD -
Memoir, descriptive and explanatory, of the Northern Atlantic Ocean and comprising instructions, general and particular, for the navigation of that sea microform
EAN 9785881672867 12.18 USD -
The British American navigator microform
EAN 9785872588511 9.88 USD -
The British American navigator microform
EAN 9785872500872 10.03 USD -
Memoir, Descriptive and Explanatory, to Accompany the New Chart of the Ethiopic Or Southern Atlantic Ocean, with the Western Coasts of South-America, . of Documents, As Enumerated in the Work
EAN 9785877592063 10.21 USD