Author - Julia Cartwright
The Painters of Florence From the Thirteenth to the Sixteenth Century
EAN 9780526766703 34.68 USD -
Sacharissa; Some Account of Dorothy Sidney, Countess of Sunderland, Her Family and Friends, 1617-168
EAN 9780530314020 32.75 USD -
Baldassare Castiglione the Perfect Courtier
EAN 9780530837550 37.83 USD -
EAN 9780530625232 32.93 USD -
Isabella D.Este Marchioness of Mantua 1474-1539 A Study of the Renaissance
EAN 9780530806877 34.15 USD -
Isabella D'Este Marchioness of Mantua 1474-1539 A Study of the Renaissance (Volume 2)
EAN 9785873929566 12.24 USD -
Italian Gardens of the Renaissance, and Other Studies
EAN 9781408626689 40.65 USD -
Mantegna and Francia (Hungarian Edition)
EAN 9785879210477 9.79 USD -
Patient and Public Involvement Toolkit
EAN 9781405199100 30.79 USD