Author - David B Wexler
STOP Domestic Violence: Innovative Skills, Techniques, Options, and Plans for Better Relationships: Group Leader"s Manual
EAN 9780393705140 31.00 USD -
DV2000 Resources for Men
EAN 9780393703238 10.89 USD -
The PRISM Workbook: A Program for Innovative Self-Management (Norton Professional Books)
EAN 9780393701197 12.99 USD -
The STOP Program: Handouts and Homework: Innovative Skills, Techniques, Options, and Plans for Better Relationships, Second Edition
EAN 9780393705157 11.99 USD -
Domestic Violence 2000: An Integrated Skills Program for Men, Group Leader"s Manual (with Audiocassette) with Cassette(s) (Norton Professional Books)
EAN 9780393703146 32.37 USD -
The Advanced PRISM Workbook
EAN 9780393701531 12.22 USD