Author - Livy
Selections from the First Five Books of Livy's Roman History, with the Twenty-first and Twenty .
EAN 9785873570683 8.98 USD -
Titi Livi Rerum Romanarum Ab Urbe Condita Libri, Volume 3 (Latin Edition)
EAN 9785876892850 15.59 USD -
Historiarum libri qui supersunt omnes. 03
EAN 9785881035853 11.97 USD -
Livy: The War with Hannibal
EAN 9785876894021 9.88 USD -
Livy, Book 9
EAN 9785876895585 9.86 USD -
Rome Stories
EAN 9781841596228 30.44 USD -
Ab Urbe Condita Libri
EAN 9780530192383 33.45 USD -
Ab Urbe Condita, Liber 9. Edited, with Introd. and Notes
EAN 9780530603544 28.73 USD -
Titi Livi Ab Urbe Condita Libri
EAN 9780469431799 33.28 USD -
Titus Livius Romische Geschichte. Ubersetzt mit kritischen und erklarenden Anmerkungen von K. Heusinger. Erster Band
EAN 9780274644773 38.18 USD -
Selections From Livy
EAN 9780342036820 29.95 USD -
The History of Rome; Volume 3
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Historiarum libri qui supersunt dum deperditorum fragmentis et epitomis omnium... Volume 3
EAN 9781314930214 30.48 USD -
Histoire romaine de Tite-Live... Volume 3
EAN 9781314930061 26.63 USD