Author - Solomon
Ecclesiastes, a New Tr. with Notes by J.N. Coleman
EAN 9785878077026 8.95 USD -
The Proverbs Of Solomon, Translated From The Hebrew Text, With Notes, Critical And Explanatory, By A. Elzas.
EAN 9781446024126 43.78 USD -
Die Spruche Salomo.s, Ubers. und Ausgelegt von F. Hitzig
EAN 9780526203390 33.63 USD -
Inspired Ethics. A Revised Tr. and Topical Arrangement of the Entire Book of Proverbs, by J. Stock
EAN 9780341756101 21.73 USD -
Far from the Tree: A Dozen Kinds of Love
EAN 9780701188764 29.06 USD -
A new translation of the Proverbs of Solomon, with notes by W. French and G. Skinner
EAN 9785873730674 7.16 USD -
A Father's Legacy to His Children: The Proverbs in Prose and Verse, by R. Cobbold
EAN 9785878075008 11.20 USD -
Inspired ethics: a revised tr. and topical arrangement of the entire book of Proverbs, by J. Stock
EAN 9785873632794 6.98 USD -
Golden sayings of the wise king on the conduct of life, with metrical illustrations by T.B. Murray
EAN 9785881664121 7.10 USD -
Computer Environments for Children: A Reflection on Theories of Learning and Education
EAN 9780262691253 19.34 USD -
The Prospective City: Economic, Population, Energy, and Environmental Developments
EAN 9780262690713 20.72 USD -
Golden Sayings of the Wise King On the Conduct of Life, with Metrical Illustrations by T.B. Murray
EAN 9785878077286 8.93 USD -
Uebersetzung Des Koheleth, Nebst Grammatisch Exegetischem Comm. Von M. Heinemann (German Edition)
EAN 9785878076678 9.04 USD -
Solomon's Ethics, Or, the Book of Proverbs Made Easy, by W. Dalrymple
EAN 9785878075374 11.03 USD