Author - Alexander Hamilton
A New Account of the East Indies. Giving an Exact and Copious Description of the Situation, Product, Manufactures, Laws, Customs, Religion, Trade, &c. of All the Countries and Islands, Which Lie Between the Cape of Good Hope and the Island of Japo...
EAN 9781377879383 29.60 USD -
A New Account of the East Indies. Giving an Exact and Copious Description of the Situation, Product, Manufactures, Laws, Customs, Religion, Trade, &c. of All the Countries and Islands, Which Lie Between the Cape of Good Hope and the Island of Japo...
EAN 9781375625388 39.93 USD -
A General History of the Most Prominent Banks in Europe. Particularly the Banks of England and France; the Rise and Progress of the Bank of North America; A Full History of the Late and Present Bank of the United States. To Which is Added, A Stati...
EAN 9781375901116 38.35 USD -
The Works of Alexander Hamilton; Comprising his Correspondence, and his Political and Official Writings, Exclusive of the Federalist, Civil and Military. Published From the Original Manuscripts Deposited in the Department of State, by Order of the...
EAN 9781376769784 34.85 USD -
The Federalist. A Commentary on the Constitution of the United States, Being a Collection of Essays Written in Support of the Constitu
EAN 9781313988896 31.70 USD -
The Works of Alexander Hamilton. Cabinet Papers. 1789-1794
EAN 9780344276019 34.68 USD -
The Works of Alexander Hamilton. .Miscellanies, 1789-1795: France; Duties On Imports; National Bank; Manufactures; Revenue Circulars; Reports On Claims, Etc
EAN 9780344244773 33.28 USD -
The Works of Alexander Hamilton. .Miscellanies, 1789-1795: France; Duties On Imports; National Bank; Manufactures; Revenue Circulars; Reports On Claims, Etc
EAN 9780344219092 34.85 USD -
The Works of Alexander Hamilton. Containing His Correspondence, and His Political and Official Writings, Exclusive of the Federalist, Civil and Military
EAN 9780343745653 33.80 USD -
The Works of Alexander Hamilton; Volume 8
EAN 9780344243257 33.80 USD -
State Papers and Speeches On the Tariff
EAN 9780343759995 29.78 USD -
The Works of Alexander Hamilton. Comprising His Correspondence, and His Political and Official Writings, Exclusive of the Federalist, Civil and Military. Published From the Original Manuscripts Deposited in the Department of State, by Order of the...
EAN 9781377960654 37.13 USD -
A General History of the Most Prominent Banks in Europe. Particularly the Banks of England and France; the Rise and Progress of the Bank of North America; A Full History of the Late and Present Bank of the United States. to Which Is Added, A Stati...
EAN 9781377773872 28.03 USD -
State Papers and Speeches On the Tariff
EAN 9781375469531 39.93 USD