Author - С. П. Расторгуев
Информационное противоборство в моделях и задачах. Учебное пособие
EAN 9785971039655 7.88 USD -
Информационное противоборство в моделях и задачах
EAN 9785971043287 12.63 USD -
Zhizn i Smert v kontekste informatsii i znaniya
EAN 9785919184492 5.11 USD -
Equilibrium in the global economy. / Ravnovesie v mirovoy ekonomike.
EAN 9785761902312 5.96 USD -
Fundamentals of Information Security A manual for students of higher educational establishments - 2 ed., Sr. - (Higher professional education and information security ") (neck) / Osnovy informatsionnoy bezopasnosti Uchebnoe posobie dlya studentov vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy - 2-e izd.,ster. - ("Vysshee professionalnoe obrazovanie-Informatsionnaya bezopasnost") (GRIF)
EAN 9785769564864 6.47 USD -
Office of the universe. The woman and the Universe / Upravlenie Vselennoy. Zhenshchina i Vselennaya
EAN 9785761902527 7.00 USD -
Information warfare. Issues and models. Existential Mathematics / Informatsionnaya voyna. Problemy i modeli. Ekzistentsialnaya matematika
EAN 9785854381451 3.22 USD