Author - Игорь Ушаков
The history of science through the prism of illuminations. Book 1 Ways of knowledge of the universe. Book 1 / Istoriya nauki skvoz prizmu ozareniy. Kniga 1 Puti poznaniya Vselennoy. Kn.1
EAN 9785397002455 4.05 USD -
The history of science through the prism of insights From adding machines to computers How do people teach the machine "thinking" / Istoriya nauki skvoz prizmu ozareniy Ot schetnykh mashin do EVM Kak lyudi nauchili mashiny "dumat"
EAN 9785484011209 3.93 USD -
Istoriya nauki skvoz prizmu ozareniy. Kniga 5. Etot sluchaynyy, sluchaynyy, sluchaynyy mir...
EAN 9785397012041 3.91 USD -
The history of science through the prism of insights The Conquest of the ocean and the sky Icarus and Ichthyander / Istoriya nauki skvoz prizmu ozareniy Pokorenie okeana i neba Ikary i Ikhtiandry
EAN 9785484011216 3.86 USD -
The history of science through the prism of insights The Conquest of Space Sky Without Borders / Istoriya nauki skvoz prizmu ozareniy Pokorenie kosmosa Nebo bez granits
EAN 9785484011223 4.22 USD -
The history of science through the prism of insights from arithmetic to algebra The mysterious land of Al-Gebre Volume (part) 4. / Istoriya nauki skvoz prizmu ozareniy Ot arifmetiki do algebry Tainstvennaya strana Al-Dzhebr Tom(chast) 4.
EAN 9785484011186 3.71 USD -
The history of science through the prism of insights Witchcraft geometry / Istoriya nauki skvoz prizmu ozareniy Koldovstvo geometrii
EAN 9785397006972 3.97 USD -
The history of science through the prism of insights First, was the number of / Istoriya nauki skvoz prizmu ozareniy Snachala bylo chislo
EAN 9785397006965 4.65 USD -
Гигиена. Словарь-справочник
EAN 9785060054828 9.34 USD