Author - John Leland
The Divine Authority of the Old and New
EAN 9785876811608 13.08 USD -
De Rebus Britannicis Collectanea: Cvm Thomae Hearnii Praefatione Notis Et Indice Ad Editionem Primam. Accedunt De Rebvs Anglicanis Opvscvla Varia Le . Et Nunc Primum In Lucem Edita, Volume 5
EAN 9785873955336 12.11 USD -
A View of the Principal Deistical Writers That Have Appeared in England in the Last and Present Century .
EAN 9785876812568 13.19 USD -
The itinerary in Wales of John Leland in or about the years 1536-1539
EAN 9785876811851 9.82 USD -
The itinerary of John Leland in or about the years 1535-1543. Edited by Lucy Toulmin Smith
EAN 9785876811530 11.34 USD -
The Itinerary of John Leland the Antiquary,: In Nine Volumes, Volume 9
EAN 9785876812902 12.02 USD -
Longsword, Earl of Salisbury: An Historical Romance, Volume 2
EAN 9785876812605 10.04 USD -
Commentarii de scriptoribus Britannicis
EAN 9785881201272 9.91 USD -
Joannis Lelandi Antiquarii de rebus britannicis collectanea: Cum Thomae Hearnii praefatione notis . 1
EAN 9785883135056 11.63 USD -
A View of the Principal Deistical Writers: That Have Appeared in England in .
EAN 9785880297634 11.85 USD -
Joannis Lelandi Antiquarii de rebus britannicis collectanea: Cum Thomae Hearnii praefatione notis . 5
EAN 9785883135322 11.61 USD -
A view of the principal deistical writers . in England in the last and present century .
EAN 9785880009886 12.20 USD -
The Divine Authority of the Old and New Testament Asserted: . Against the Unjust Aspersions .
EAN 9785880645053 10.48 USD -
Joannis Lelandi Antiquarii De Rebvs Britannicis Collectanea, Volume 6
EAN 9781148478333 40.80 USD