Author - Борис Киржнер
Tibetskiy glubokotkannyy massazh
EAN 9785943877025 4.90 USD -
Western manual massage techniques and corrective exercises a practical guide to Triar-massage. / Zapadnye massazhnye manualnye tekhniki i korrigiruyushchaya gimnastika. Prakticheskoe rukovodstvo po TRIAR-massazhu. Dvutsvetnoe izdanie
EAN 9785943874758 6.96 USD -
Egyptian Jed-massage. A Practical Guide. Step-by-program massage techniques and methods / Egipetskiy Dzhed-massazh. Prakticheskoe rukovodstvo. Poshagovaya programma massazhnykh tekhnik i priemov
EAN 9785943874697 4.20 USD