Author - К. А. Иваницкий
Going Pocket PC, smartphones and communicators CD / Osvaivaem Pocket PC, smartfony i kommunikatory bystryy start videokurs - ("Bystryy start Videokurs")
EAN 9785893923834 2.17 USD -
Tr 390.2 in 1.uvelichenie performance, optimization, and other settings tviking Windows Vista / 2 v 1 Uvelichenie bystrodeystviya, optimizatsiya, tviking i drugie nastroyki Windows Vista 50 programm (CD).
EAN 9785893923902 3.37 USD -
Tr 128.Windows Mobile 6 with zero Pocket PC-ture, smartphones and communicators / TR 128.Windows Mobile 6 s nulya Karmannye komp-ry,smartfony i kommunikatory
EAN 9785936731280 3.76 USD -
Tr 369.vizualny samouchitel.rabota on PDAs, smartphones and communicators / Vizualnyy samouchitel. Rabota na karmannykh kompyuterakh, smartfonakh i kommunikatorakh pod upravleniem Windows Mobile 6 - ("Vizualnyy samouchitel")
EAN 9785893923698 3.04 USD -
Three-dimensional graphics and animation in 3ds Max 2009 / Trekhmernaya grafika i animatsiya v 3ds Max 2009
EAN 9785893924060 2.82 USD -
Tr 375,100 samouchitel.Nero Burning ROM 8 and other programs for CD and DVD-ROM drive / TR 375.100 samouchitel.Nero Burning ROM 8 i drugie programmy dlya zapisi CD i DVD-diskov
EAN 9785893923759 2.09 USD -
ALT Linux from scratch School operations. syst. ( CD-ROM) / ALT Linux s nulya Shkolnaya operats. sist. ( SD-ROM)
EAN 9785936731495 2.88 USD -
ALT Linux for schools ( CD-ROM) / ALT Linux dlya shkoly ( CD-ROM)
EAN 9785893924343 2.67 USD -
100% samouchitel raboty na noutbuke
EAN 9785893924107 3.06 USD -
Videosamouchitel. Adobe Premiere Pro CS3 (+ CD-ROM)
EAN 9785893923766 3.59 USD