Author - Т. А. Комова
Языковая личность. От слова к тексту. На материале англоязычного дискурса
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Введение в сопоставительную лингвокультурологию. Великобритания - Россия / Introduction to Comparative Studies of Language and Culture: Great Britain - Russia
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Modal verb in the language and speech Based on the verbs shall and will in the history of the English language - 2 ed. Ispra. / Modalnyy glagol v yazyke i rechi Na materiale glagolov shall i will v istorii angliyskogo yazyka - 2-e izd.,ispr.
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Aleksandrov OV Modern English morphology syntax Modern English Grammar Morphology Syntax 1 st ed Proc manual in English LANG Alexandrova O V Sovremennyy angliyskiy yazyk Morfologiya i sintaxis Modern English Grammar Morphology Syntax 1 e izd ucheb posobie na angl yaz
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Sovremennyy angliyskiy yazyk: Morfologiya i sintaksis = Modern English Grammar: Uchebnoe posobie. 2-e izd., ispr. Aleksandrova O.V.
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Vvedenie v sopostavitel"nuyu lingvokul"turologiyu: Velikobritaniya - Rossiya = Introduction to Comparative Studies of Language and Culture: Great Britain - Russia
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Imya lichnoe v angloyazychnom kulturno-istoricheskom prostranstve
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