Author - Samuel Edward Warren
Stereotomy. Problems in Stone Cutting. in Four Classes. I. Plane-Sided Structures. Ii. Structures Containing Developable Surfaces. Iii. Structrues Containing Warped Surfaces. Iv. Structures Containing Double-Curved Surfaces. for Students in Engine...
EAN 9781375568845 35.55 USD -
Stereotomy. Problems in Stone Cutting. in Four Classes. I. Plane-Sided Structures. Ii. Structures Containing Developable Surfaces. Iii. Structrues Containing Warped Surfaces. Iv. Structures Containing Double-Curved Surfaces. for Students in Engine...
EAN 9781375430012 35.55 USD -
Elements of Plane and Solid Free-Hand Geometrical Drawing, With Lettering. And Some Elements of Geometrical Ornamental Design, Including the Principals of Harmonic Angular Ratios, Etc
EAN 9780343999841 26.63 USD -
A Manual of Drafting Instruments and Operations
EAN 9780526700646 27.85 USD -
Drafting Instruments and Operations
EAN 9780353975187 28.90 USD -
Problems in Stone Cutting. In Four Classes
EAN 9780353994416 28.90 USD -
A Manual of Elementary Problems in the Linear Perspective of Form and Shadow
EAN 9780469325319 27.85 USD -
Manual of Drafting Instruments . Operations
EAN 9780353950023 28.20 USD -
Elements of Plane and Solid Free-Hand Geometrical Drawing, With Lettering. And Some Elements of Geometrical Ornamental Design, Including the Principals of Harmonic Angular Ratios, Etc
EAN 9781375732055 35.03 USD -
Elements of Machine Construction and Drawing: Or, Machine Drawing, with Some Elements of Descriptive and Rational Cinematics
EAN 9781409712657 41.58 USD -
A Manual of Elementary Geometrical Drawing, Involving Three Dimensions, Designed for Use in High .
EAN 9785880575015 7.73 USD -
Elements of Plane and Solid Free-Hand Geometrical Drawing, with Lettering: And Some Elements of Geometrical Ornamental Design, Including the ... and Artisans; and Teachers and Stud
EAN 9781141408160 27.18 USD -
General Problems of Shades and Shadows: Formed Both by Parallel and by .
EAN 9785880591084 7.86 USD -
General Problems of Shades and Shadows: Formed Both by Parallel and by Radial Rays; and Shown Both in Common and in Isometrical Projection: Together with the Theory of Shading
EAN 9785874111786 9.90 USD