Author - Gabriel Compayre
Herbert Spencer and scientific education
EAN 9785875341809 9.04 USD -
Jean Jacques Rousseau And Education From Nature...
EAN 9781279157190 26.01 USD -
Lectures On Pedagogy, Theoretical and Practical: By Gabriel Compayre . Translated, with an Introduction, Notes, and an Appendix, by W. H. Payne .
EAN 9785875356711 13.12 USD -
L"education intellectuelle et morale.
EAN 9785873337514 9.77 USD -
Hume: Sa Vie--Sa Philosophie (French Edition)
EAN 9785875357268 11.14 USD -
Herbert Spencer et l'education scientifique (French Edition)
EAN 9785875337772 8.99 USD -
Pestalozzi et l'education elementaire (French Edition)
EAN 9785875343025 9.04 USD -
L'education intellectuelle et morale. -- (French Edition)
EAN 9785875341618 12.30 USD -
Etudes Sur L'enseignement Et Sur L'education (French Edition)
EAN 9785875349065 11.15 USD -
J.J. Rousseau, et l'education de la nature
EAN 9785880866311 7.12 USD -
Lectures Morales Et Civiques (French Edition)
EAN 9785875348471 10.14 USD -
La philosophie de David Hume (French Edition)
EAN 9785875340802 13.16 USD -
Development of the child in later infancy; being part II of The intellectual and moral development of the child
EAN 9785875338892 11.15 USD -
Lesia Ukrainka: Rozvidky riznykh rokiv (Ukrainoznavstvo diaspory) (Ukrainian Edition)
EAN 9785875340420 9.04 USD