Author - Edmund Spenser
Amoretti, and Epithalamion (Dodo Press)
EAN 9781409973744 8.54 USD -
The Faerie Queen and Other Poems
EAN 9781420950458 22.47 USD -
A Veue of the Present State of Ireland (Dodo Press)
EAN 9781409973775 16.31 USD -
The shepheardes calender
EAN 9785878077798 7.74 USD -
EAN 9785878109093 7.07 USD -
The shepheardes calendar; the original edition of 1579 in photographic facsimile
EAN 9785878077477 7.77 USD -
The Complete Works in Verse and Prose V
EAN 9785878109529 8.89 USD -
Spenser's Britomart; from books III, IV, and V of the Faery queene
EAN 9785876887382 8.75 USD -
The Works of Spenser: In Six Volumes. with a Glossary Explaining the Old and Obscure Words. to Which Is Prefix'd the Life of the Author, and an Essay On Allegorical Poetry, by Mr. Hughes. .
EAN 9785878109048 8.78 USD -
The faerie queene, Book 1. Edited by A.S. Collins
EAN 9785878105163 8.08 USD -
The Faerie Queene, Book 1
EAN 9785878108553 9.62 USD -
The Works of Edmund Spenser, Volume 1
EAN 9785878108539 10.43 USD -
The Faerie Queene Volume 5
EAN 9785878108324 8.11 USD -
Spenser. Book II of the Faery Queene, Ed. by G.W. Kitchin
EAN 9785878109291 8.82 USD