Author - Virgil
Virgil: Aeneid Book VIII (Cambridge Greek and Latin Classics)
EAN 9780521290470 27.97 USD -
Virgil: Eclogues-Georgics-Aeneid Books I-VI (Loeb Classical Library)
EAN 9780674990708 23.58 USD -
The Works of Virgil. Translated Into English Prose, As Near the Original As the Different Idioms of the Latin and English Languages Will Allow : With the Latin Text and Order of Construction On the Same Page, and Critical, Historical, Geographical...
EAN 9781375833714 57.43 USD -
The Works of P. Virgilius Maro. With the Original Text Reduced to the Natural Order of Construction; and an Interlinear Translation, As Nearly Literal As the Idiomatic Difference of the Latin and English Languages Will Allow. Adapted to the System...
EAN 9781375475730 44.83 USD -
The Works of Publius Virgilius Maro
EAN 9780469163973 34.50 USD -
Aetna. A Critical Recension of the Text, Based on a New Examination of MSS
EAN 9780469528758 33.98 USD -
Virgils Bucolics and Gerorgics
EAN 9780530291864 35.55 USD -
The Poems of Virgil. Containing the Pastoral Poems and Six Books of the Eneid; Volume I
EAN 9780469594197 33.63 USD -
The Aeneids of Virgil
EAN 9780526424672 32.75 USD -
Bucolica und Georgica
EAN 9780526107025 28.90 USD -
Vergils Aeneis. Fur den Schulgebrauch Hrsg
EAN 9780526205516 33.80 USD -
EAN 9780526831104 33.98 USD -
Bucolica et Georgica in Usum Scholarum Iterum Recognovit Otto Ribbeck
EAN 9780526701308 22.95 USD -
P. Vergili Maronis Aeneidos
EAN 9780530193458 22.60 USD