Author - Octavio Paz
Alternating Current
EAN 9781559701365 15.48 USD -
The Collected Poems of Octavio Paz: 1957-1987 (Bilingual Edition)
EAN 9780811211734 26.23 USD -
Conjunctions and Disjunctions
EAN 9781559701372 15.48 USD -
On Poets and Others
EAN 9781559701396 15.48 USD -
The Monkey Grammarian
EAN 9781559701358 15.48 USD -
Convergencias (Biblioteca breve) (Spanish Edition)
EAN 9788432206559 5.18 USD -
EAN 9788432230790 5.54 USD -
Marcel Duchamp: Appearance Stripped Bare
EAN 9781559701389 15.48 USD -
Figures & Figurations
EAN 9780811215244 25.87 USD -
A Tale of Two Gardens (New Directions Bibelot)
EAN 9780811213493 9.60 USD -
Children of the Mire: Modern Poetry from Romanticism to the Avant-Garde, Revised and Enlarged Edition (Charles Eliot Norton Lectures)
EAN 9780674116290 23.29 USD -
The Universitas Project
EAN 9780870700705 63.22 USD -
Vislumbres de la India
EAN 9788432248467 6.05 USD