Author - Joseph B. Lumpkin
The Gnostic Scriptures: History, Theology, and the Sacred Feminine
EAN 9781933580265 20.61 USD -
The Didache: The Teaching of the Twelve Apostles: A Different Faith - A Different Salvation
EAN 9781936533251 14.63 USD -
Angels and Demons: From Creation to Armageddon
EAN 9781933580685 17.98 USD -
The Book of Jasher With Lessons and Commentary
EAN 9781933580890 27.62 USD -
The Infidel"s Guide To Understanding Islam, ISIS, and the Quran
EAN 9781936533770 33.10 USD -
A History of God. Elohim, Yahweh, and Allah
EAN 9781936533893 21.01 USD -
The Second Book of Enoch: 2 Enoch Also Called the Secrets of Enoch and the Slavonic Book of Enoch
EAN 9781933580814 15.90 USD -
The First and Second Books of Enoch: The Ethiopic and Slavonic Texts: A Comprehensive Translation with Commentary
EAN 9781933580531 14.80 USD -
The Books of Jasher: The Book of Jasher, The J. H. Parry Text And The Book of Jasher, also called Pseudo-Jasher, The Flaccus Albinus Alcuinus Text
EAN 9781936533084 27.99 USD -
The Third Book of Enoch: Also Called 3 Enoch and the Hebrew Book of Enoch
EAN 9781933580821 14.01 USD -
The Books of Enoch: A Complete Volume Containing 1 Enoch (The Ethiopic Book of Enoch), 2 Enoch (The Slavonic Secrets of Enoch), 3 Enoch (The Hebrew Book of Enoch)
EAN 9781933580807 20.59 USD -
The Gnostic Gospels of Philip, Mary Magdalene, and Thomas
EAN 9781933580135 16.57 USD -
Lost Books of the Bible: The Great Rejected Texts
EAN 9781933580661 36.25 USD -
The Prodigal Church: Rescuing Spirituality from Religion
EAN 9781933580876 21.44 USD