Author - C. W. Bardeen
Catalogue of the school bulletin publications ..
EAN 9781178420029 13.06 USD -
The Woman Trustee. And Other Stories About Schools
EAN 9780530813868 30.65 USD -
A Little Fifer"s War Diary, With 17 Maps, 60 Portraits, And 246 Other Illustrations;
EAN 9781443715904 12.72 USD -
Effect of the college prepartory high school upon attendance and scholarship in the lower grades
EAN 9781176577992 17.19 USD -
A Manual of Common School Law
EAN 9781443741491 9.38 USD -
Educational journalism. An address before the New York State Teachers" Association at its thirty-sixth annual meeting, Saratoga Springs, August 7, 1881
EAN 9781176477537 10.16 USD -
A manual of civics for New York schools
EAN 9781177720076 32.30 USD -
Roderick Hume, the story of a New York teacher
EAN 9781178182835 20.77 USD -
The Orbis pictus of John Amos Comenius
EAN 9781176496446 19.19 USD -
The Taxpayer and the township system. An address delivered July 2, 1891, before the State Teachers" Association of New Jersey
EAN 9781177030878 10.23 USD