Author - Philip Sidney
The Works in Verse and Prose Complete of the Right Honourable Fulke Greville, Lord Brooke ... The Prose: Life Of Sir Philip Sidney With Additions and Various Readings. Letter to an Honourable Lady. Letter to Varney in France. Speech for Bacon. Acc...
EAN 9781375460842 43.60 USD -
Amye Robsart and the Earl of Leycester. A Critical Inquiry Into the Authenticity of the Various Statements in Relation to the Death of Amye Robsart, and of the Libels on the Earl of Leycester, With A Vindication of the Earl by his Nephew Sir Phili...
EAN 9781375980968 43.08 USD -
Sir Philip Sydney.s Defense of Poetry. And Observations On Poetry and Eloquence, From the Discoveries of Ben Jonson
EAN 9780343692001 25.93 USD -
An Apologie for Poetrie
EAN 9780526702466 29.43 USD -
The Defense of Poesy. Otherwise Known as An Apology for Poetry
EAN 9780469691414 28.38 USD -
Modern Rome in Modern England
EAN 9780526756629 32.58 USD -
A Defence of Poesie and Poems
EAN 9780530468563 28.38 USD -
The Miscellaneous Works of Sir Philip Sidney, knt., With a Life of the Author and Illustrative Notes
EAN 9780530875286 33.45 USD -
The Correspondence of Sir Philip Sidney and Hubert Languet. Now First Collected and Translated From
EAN 9780469703858 32.93 USD -
Aphorisms of Sir Philip Sidney. With Remarks
EAN 9780469690417 29.43 USD -
The Works in Verse and Prose Complete of the Right Honourable Fulke Greville, Lord Brooke ... Essay On the Poetry of Lord Brooke. Treatie of Humane Learning. an Inqvisition Vpon Fame and Honovr. Treatie of Warres. Minor Poems (Hitherto Uncollected)
EAN 9780342347780 26.98 USD -
The Complete Works of Sir Philip Sidney ...
EAN 9780353466777 34.68 USD -
The Works in Verse and Prose Complete of the Right Honourable Fulke Greville, Lord Brooke ... Caelica in Ox. Sonnets. the Poem Plays: Alaham; Mustapha. With Additions and Various Readings
EAN 9780341866602 33.98 USD -
Sir Philip Sidney.s Astrophel . Stella. Wherein the Excellence of Sweet Poesy Is Concluded
EAN 9780341696674 27.85 USD